Message-on-Hold Samples for Accounting Firms

For some people, dealing with accounting and other financial services can be like trying to understand a foreign language, and they desperately need a “translator.” Of course, as an accountant, you want to be that translator, but with so many accounting firms to choose from, it’s important for your firm to make a good impression. With a custom on hold program, you can do just that while educating and engaging your callers to make them clients.

Make “Wait Time” Profitable Time for Your Accounting Firm

What’s the average wait time for your callers when placed on hold? Thirty seconds? Sixty? Regardless of the length, every time you place a caller on hold can be an opportunity to promote your firm. Let your callers know why they should do business with you over the firm in the next town. You can also answer the frequently-asked questions you receive, including:

  • What do your business consulting services consist of?
  • What are the individual 401(k) deferral limitations for retirement plans?
  • What numbers do I need to start a new business?
  • What are the individual income tax rates for this year?
  • Do you save tax/accounting records, and if so, for how long?

How an Accounting Message On Hold Program Benefits YOU

In answering these and other questions that you receive, your on-hold program can result in more new clients and more satisfied clients. It also allows you to provide information about:

  • Your history/experience
  • Services offered
  • Specialties
  • Industries of expertise
  • Accounting tips
  • Testimonials
  • Free estimate options
  • Website
  • Staff
  • Community involvement
  • News and events
  • Values/mission statement